Het monument voor Vaz Dias, van Herman van der Heide aan de Weesperstraat ter hoogte van de Hortusbrug is verwijdert voor groot onderhoud. Na restauratie zal het beeld terug geplaatst worden. De gehele restauratie zal enige maanden in beslag nemen.
Call for Concepts 2018-2019 ALF geopend
De Call for Concepts voor het festival van 2018-2019 is al geopend! Elk jaar geeft Amsterdam Light Festival kunstenaars van over de hele wereld de kans aan het festival deel te nemen. Met een open Call for Concepts worden kunstenaars uitgenodigd een concept in te dienen voor de volgende editie van het festival. Het thema is ‘The Medium is the Message’. klik hier voor meer info
Lustwarande 2017 Disruption
Lustwarande 2017 event sculptures, installations and performances by Vincent Olinet and Jasper Griepink 2 september 2017
Foto event sculpture Vincent Olinet
meer informatie over het project vind u hier
Guido Geelen IJdok Amsterdam
Het beeld van Guido Geelen aan het IJdok in Amsterdam is geplaatst.
De totale maatvoering van het kunstwerk is gerelateerd aan een 40 ft. zeecontainer.
Het beeld is 12 meter hoog bij 2,60 x 2,44, de sokkel is 6 meter en het beeld is tevens 6 meter
meer info over het beeld, de achtergrond en de locatie vind u hier
Residency Rijksacademie
Engaged photography
Lezing Engaged fotografie Marco Cops en Jerome Symons
Vrijdag 16 december 2016
Mimarlar Dernegi, Cinnah Cad. 19, Ankara Turlijke
Ankara, December 12-17, 2016
WISEGUYS are organizing a workshop to develop models for an urban playground.
The workshop will take place in Ankara in collaboration with the faculties of Art, Design and Architecture of Başkent University and Tobb University and will be hosted by the Architects’ Association 1927 (MD1927). The workshop is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Turkish Cultural Foundation.
A team of Turkish and Dutch artists, architects and designers will make various models for an Urban Playground, a place for meeting and recreation in the city for people of all ages and all backgrounds. The models will be mobile and flexible, like a pop-up situation, so that they can be adapted to different situations, like specific public spaces, festivals or other relevant public events and also to refugee camps. Important issues will be to bring different generations together and to offer playful modes of interaction that are both attractive and instructive.
At the end of the workshop there will be a presentation on contemporary practices in public art in relation to this topic, including the results of the workshop, to students of Bașkent and TOBB University and other people that might be interested.
In a later stage WISEGUYS will explore possibilities for a combined workshop, on the theme of ‘Urban Playground/Meeting Place’, for architecture students of Bașkent and TOBB University together with students of Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam.
Marco Cops
Onur Kutluoğlu
Pelin Nane
Beril Or
Zeynep Sağım
Umut Şumnu
Jerome Symons
Roeki Symons
Barış Yakın
Çiğdem Yönder
*Previous projects of WISEGUYS in Ankara:
– Workshop Kızılay Footbridges in Social Forum of Architecture 2010.
With support of Netherlands Foundation or Art, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB).
– Çankaya International Public Art Manifestation 2011.
With support of Netherlands Foundation or Art, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB) and Municipality of Çankaya.
– Ankara International Public Art Manifestation 2012. With support of Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NLTR400) and Gallery Siyah Beyaz.
– Workshop Public Art, Başkent University, 2015.
Among the main events in Europe dedicated to contemporary practices of moving image, the next Les Rencontres Internationales will be held in Paris in December 2016. Il offers every year a new international programme made of works by internationally renowned artists and filmmakers, along with works by young artists shown for the first time.
ANY INDIVIDUAL OR ORGANIZATION can submit one or several works. The call for entries is open to cinema, video and multimedia works, without any restriction for length or genre. Any submission is free, regardless of geographical origins > read more
You can choose between two types of registration:
100% online entry form, without postal sending
Entry form to use with regular mail
Les Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin offers a forum for reflection and discovery dedicated to pratices of contemporary moving image. It introduces guests from all over the world: artists, filmmakers, institutions and emerging organizations, giving us a picture of an on-going creation, of new issues raised by the evolution of the production methods and ways to present new works, and of the different emerging artistic and cultural contexts.
The Rencontres Internationales reflects specificities and convergences of artistic practices between new cinema and contemporary art, explores emerging media art practices and their critical purposes, and create a necessary time during which points of view meet and are exchanged.
The event aims at presenting works to a broad audience, at creating circulations between different art practices and between different audiences, as well as creating new exchanges between artists, filmmakers and professionals.
It seeks to contribute to a reflection on our contemporary culture of image via a compelling program opened to everyone.
Les Rencontres Internationales is supported by the City of Paris, the Regional Council of Île-de-France, the DRAC Île-de-France – Ministry for Culture and Communication.
Web site: www.art-action.org