Workshop Interdisciplinaire Kunst Maastricht

Art commissions in the public domain are a platform in which many different opinions, attitudes and ambitions are interacting with each-other. The different people (or group of people) have their own expectations and their own needs to participate in such a project. Not seldom they start of from a different point of view.
This may lead to fierce juxtapositions and discussions about how the public domain should be shaped, facilitated or used, and how art can contribute to a better, more interesting use of the public domain.

From the experience of advising, producing and managing art commissions, in this session Wiseguys focussed in on a couple of projects in which the participants such as commissioners, artists, citizens and mediators are interacting in different ways.
The way the initiating ‘question’ of the commission is formulated and by whom it is formulated is of great importance.
But also the further process of reformulating this question and the transformation of the design into the final ‘piece’ often are the outcome of a grand interactive, interdisciplinary adventure…


Wiseguys talked the visitors through a visual trip into the jungle of art commissions in which they pointed out the role and ambition of the mediator, to stimulate the interdisciplinary aspect of the participants into a fruitful result.